Hilkhot Mo'adim Understanding the Laws of the Festivals edition by David Brofsky Religion Spirituality eBooks
Download As PDF : Hilkhot Mo'adim Understanding the Laws of the Festivals edition by David Brofsky Religion Spirituality eBooks
The dynamic Jewish calendar provides constant religious challenges and spiritual opportunities. It allows us to focus on the birth of our nation, our travels in the desert, our relationship to God, and the giving of the Torah. Through the in-depth study of the Torah and the halakhot of the mo?adim, one can and should enrich one?s personal religious, and spiritual experience. That is the primary purpose of this book.
Hilkhot Mo'adim Understanding the Laws of the Festivals edition by David Brofsky Religion Spirituality eBooks
Too often halacha l'maaseh books are written with a specific hashkafic agenda at the expense of the depth and nuance of the halachic process. R. Brofsky has no fear of presenting his opinion while at the same time raising other practices, issues, or minhagim. He does not leave these disputes for the footnotes, but presents them in the body of his work. He is able to accomplish this while also leaving his sefer very readable for someone who is looking for a good overview of the chagim and moadim.Product details
Tags : Hilkhot Mo'adim: Understanding the Laws of the Festivals - Kindle edition by David Brofsky. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Hilkhot Mo'adim: Understanding the Laws of the Festivals.,ebook,David Brofsky,Hilkhot Mo'adim: Understanding the Laws of the Festivals,The Toby Press,RELIGION Holidays Jewish
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Hilkhot Mo'adim Understanding the Laws of the Festivals edition by David Brofsky Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews
A comprehensive text on all of the Jewish Holy Days. Highly readable well referenced without the baggage (hamaivin yavin) of similar works
Hilkhot Mo'adim Understanding the Laws of the Festivals. David Brofsky. Maggid Books ([...] Hardcover. 753 Pages. $39.95. ISBN 9781592643523.
Ari Enkin writes in Torah Musings, "This may very well be the highest caliber halachic work to emanate from the modern orthodox world in recent times."
This is the perfect season to study and prepare oneself to follow the details of the laws of the Festivals. Rabbi Brofsky, a senior member at Midreshet Lindenbaum, is a well-known educator and author.
The books covers all the major festivals, including the High Holidays, the Three Pilgrimage Festivals, Hanukkah and Purim, and the fast days.
The dynamic Jewish calendar provides constant religious challenges and spiritual opportunities. It allows us to focus on the birth of our nation, our travels in the desert, our relationship to God, and the giving of the Torah. Through the in-depth study of the Torah and the halakhot of the mo'adim, one can and should enrich one's personal religious, and spiritual experience. That is the primary purpose of this book.
Dov Peretz Elkins
I purchased Hilkhot Mo'adim by Rabbi David Brofsky a year or so ago, and it is one of my favorite books to use as a review prior to a holiday. Like his book, Hilchot Tefillah, the author discusses the origin of the holiday, the different perspectives of the poskim (rabbis who decide Jewish law), and the law's practical application. Aside from being elegantly written, the book is also compact and easily portable. You will appreciate this book if you like intellectually stimulating, but brief (though not watered down), discussions pertaining to the subject matter.
This is great and helps understand the background of the halachos on the discussed topics.
Excellent overview, has really enhanced my moadim experience. It's a breath of fresh air.
Too often halacha l'maaseh books are written with a specific hashkafic agenda at the expense of the depth and nuance of the halachic process. R. Brofsky has no fear of presenting his opinion while at the same time raising other practices, issues, or minhagim. He does not leave these disputes for the footnotes, but presents them in the body of his work. He is able to accomplish this while also leaving his sefer very readable for someone who is looking for a good overview of the chagim and moadim.
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